Source code for spack.packing

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import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
from collections import namedtuple

def rand_sphere(d0):
    Get random points within a sphere of radius 1. Returns array of shape (d0, 3).
    p1 = np.random.randn(d0, 3)
    m = np.sqrt(np.sum(p1**2, axis=1))

    rad = pow(np.random.rand(d0), 1.0 / 3.0)
    return (p1.T * (rad / m)).T

def rand_disk(d0):
    Get random points within a disk of radius 1. Returns array of shape (d0, 2).
    phi = np.random.rand(d0) * (2 * np.pi)
    rad = pow(np.random.rand(d0), 1.0 / 2.0)
    return (np.array([np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)]) * rad).T

def Vec2_diff(r1, r2, shear=0.0, Lx=1.0, Ly=1.0):
    Difference between two points in a 2D box with shear
    dx, dy = (r1 - r2).T
    im = np.round(dy / Ly)
    dy = dy - im * Ly
    dx = dx - np.round(dx / Lx - im * shear) * Lx - im * shear * Lx
    return np.array((dx, dy)).T

[docs]class Packing: """ A class representing a packing of spheres in a periodic box. """ def __init__(self, rs, diameters, shear=0.0, L=1.0): = np.array(rs) / float(L) self.diameters = np.array(diameters) / float(L) self.shear = shear self.L = L self.N = len(self.diameters) n, self.ndim = np.shape( if n != self.N: raise ValueError( "Need shape N for diameters, Nx2 or Nx3 for rs; got {} and {}x{}".format( self.N, n, self.ndim)) if self.ndim == 3: if self.shear != 0: raise NotImplementedError("Can't do shearing for 3D") elif self.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "Number of dimensions must be 2 or 3; got {}".format(self.ndim)) @property def phi(self): """Volume of the spheres in the box.""" return (np.sum(self.diameters**self.ndim)*np.pi / (2*self.ndim)) Neighbors = namedtuple('Neighbors', ('adjacency', 'diffs'))
[docs] def neighbors(self, tol=1e-8): """ For a set of particles at xs,ys with diameters diameters, finds the distance vector matrix (d x N x N) and the adjacency matrix. Assumes box size 1, returns (adjacency matrix, diffs) """ diffs = np.remainder( np.array([np.subtract.outer(xs, xs) for xs in]) + .5, 1) - .5 if self.shear != 0: xdiff, ydiff = diffs[:2] im = np.round(ydiff) xdiff -= im * self.shear ydiff = ydiff - im xdiff -= np.round(xdiff) diffs[:2] = xdiff, ydiff sigmadists = np.add.outer(self.diameters, self.diameters) / 2. dists = np.sqrt(np.sum(diffs**2, axis=0)) return self.Neighbors(dists - sigmadists < tol, diffs * self.L)
Backbone = namedtuple('Backbone', ('indices', 'adjacency'))
[docs] def backbone(self, tol=1e-8): """Returns (backbone indices, neighbor matrix)""" areneighbors, _ = self.neighbors(tol) # self.ndim + 1 for stability, +1 for itself notfloaters = np.sum(areneighbors, axis=0) >= self.ndim + 2 oldNpack = -1 Npack = np.sum(notfloaters) while Npack != oldNpack: areneighbors[~notfloaters] = 0 areneighbors[:, ~notfloaters] = 0 notfloaters = np.sum(areneighbors, axis=0) >= self.ndim + 2 oldNpack, Npack = Npack, np.sum(notfloaters) return self.Backbone(notfloaters, areneighbors)
Contacts = namedtuple('Contacts', ('Nc', 'stable', 'floaters'))
[docs] def contacts(self, tol=1e-8): """Returns (number of backbone contacts, stable number, number of floaters)""" idx, nbor = self.backbone(tol=tol) return self.Contacts( np.sum(np.triu(nbor, 1)), (np.sum(idx) - 1) * self.ndim + 1, np.sum(~idx))
[docs] def size_indices(self, tol=1e-8): """Returns [idx of sigma1, idx of sigma2, ...]""" sigs = np.array(np.round(self.diameters / tol), dtype=int) sigset = set(sigs) return [sigs == s for s in sorted(sigset)]
[docs] def dist_tree(self, other, tol=1e-8): """ Find the distance between two packings. Requires pyparm. """ if self.ndim == 2: from pyparm import d2 as sim else: from pyparm import d3 as sim assert self.ndim == other.ndim if self.shear != 0 or other.shear != 0: assert np.abs(self.shear - other.shear) <= tol shear = (self.shear + other.shear) / 2.0 box = sim.LeesEdwardsBox(sim.Vec(1, 1), shear) else: box = sim.OriginBox(1.0) sz1 = self.size_indices() assert(len(sz1) == 2) cutoff1 = int(np.sum(sz1[0])) sz2 = other.size_indices() assert(len(sz2) == 2) cutoff2 = int(np.sum(sz2[0])) vs1 = np.array([xy for idx in sz1 for xy in[idx]]) vs2 = np.array([xy for idx in sz2 for xy in[idx]]) tree = sim.JammingTreeBD(box, vs1, vs2, cutoff1, cutoff2) return tree
[docs] def dist(self, other, tol=1e-8, maxt=1000000): """Returns the distance between two packings, with the particles paired up in the most efficient way, and also with center-of-mass accounted for. """ tree = self.dist_tree(other, tol=tol) tree.expand(maxt) return sqrt(tree.current_best().distance_squared * self.L * other.L)
[docs] def paired_dists(self, other, match_com=True): """ Returns the distance between two packings, assuming particle 1 of packing 1 goes with particle 2 of packing 2. Distance is calculated as :math:`d = \sqrt{\sum_i \left(\vec r_i \ominus_\vec{L} \vec s_i \right)^2`, where :math:`\vec r_i` are the particles from one packing, :math:`\vec s_i` are the particles from the other packing, and :math:`\ominus_\vec{L}` means "shortest distance given periodic boundary conditions in a box of shape :math:`\vec{L}`". Parameters ---------- other : Another :class:`Packing`. match_com : Subtract off center-of-mass motion as well. Notes ----- For `match_com = True`, this yields :math:`d = \sqrt{\sum_i \left(\vec{r}_{i} \ominus_\vec{L} \vec{s}_{i} - \vec{\delta}\right)^2}` Minimized over `\vec delta`. It does this by actually evaluating :math:`d = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{\left\langle i,j\right\rangle }\left(\vec{r}_{ij} \ominus_\vec{L} \vec{s}_{ij}\right)^2}`, which turns out to be equivalent. """ assert self.ndim == other.ndim if match_com: dists1 = ([..., np.newaxis] -[np.newaxis, ...]) dists2 = ([..., np.newaxis] -[np.newaxis, ...]) rij_minus_sij = np.rollaxis(dists1 - dists2, -1, -2) rij_minus_sij = ((rij_minus_sij + 1/2.) % 1) - 1/2. dist_sqs = np.triu(np.sum(rij_minus_sij**2, axis=-1)) return np.sqrt(np.sum(dist_sqs) * self.L * other.L / len( else: diffs = - diffs = ((diffs + 1/2.) % 1) - 1/2. return np.sqrt(np.sum(diffs**2) * self.L * other.L)
@staticmethod def _cage_pts(xyz, neighbor_xyzs, sigma, neighbor_diameters, L, M, R): """Finds points within a distance R of point xyz that do not conflict with neigbors""" pts = rand_sphere(M) * R + xyz for nxyz, nsig in zip(neighbor_xyzs, neighbor_diameters): dpts = np.remainder(pts - nxyz + L / 2.0, L) - L / 2.0 dists_sq = np.sum(dpts**2, axis=1) goodix = dists_sq >= ((nsig + sigma) / 2.0)**2 pts = pts[goodix, :] return pts
[docs] def cages(self, M=10000, R=None, Rfactor=1.2, padding=0.1, Mfactor=0.1): """ Find all cages in the current "packing". The algorithm uses Monte Carlo: it finds M random points within a sphere of radius R from each particle, and sees if that particle could sit there without conflicting with other particles. Then (number of accepted points) / (number of test points) * (volume of sphere) is the volume of the cage. The algorithm is adaptive: if not enough test points are accepted (n < M * Mfactor), it tries more test points. If any test points are within `padding` of the edge, `R` is (temporarily) expanded. Parameters ---------- M : Number of points in the sphere to test R : Size of sphere to test (will be expanded if necessary) Rfactor : How much to increase R by when the cage doesn't fit padding : How much larger the sphere should be than the cage (if it isn't, the sphere is expanded) Mfactor : Mfactor * M is the minimum number of points to find per cage. If they aren't found, more points are tested. Returns ------- points : a list of (A x 3) lists, A indeterminate (but larger than M * Mfactor), with each list corresponding to the points within one cage. Vs : The approximate volumes of each cage. """ if R is None: R = min(self.diameters) * 0.2 neighbordict = {} psets = [] Vs = [] for n, (xyz, s) in enumerate(zip(, self.diameters)): curR = R curpow = -1 nxyzs = nsigs = None def get_pts(): pts = self._cage_pts(xyz, nxyzs, s, nsigs, 1.0, M, curR) maxdist = np.max( np.sqrt(np.sum((pts - xyz)**2, axis=1))) if len(pts) > 0 else 0 return pts, maxdist pts, maxdist = [], curR while maxdist * (1. + padding) > curR: # print(n, curpow, maxdist * (1. + padding), curR) curpow += 1 curR = R * pow(Rfactor, curpow) curM = M if curpow not in neighbordict: pack = Packing(, self.diameters + curR) cur_neighbors, _ = pack.neighbors(tol=0) cur_neighbors[np.diag_indices_from(cur_neighbors)] = False neighbordict[curpow] = cur_neighbors cur_neighbors = neighbordict[curpow] nix = cur_neighbors[n] nxyzs =[nix, :] nsigs = self.diameters[nix] pts, maxdist = get_pts() if maxdist * (1. + padding) > curR: continue while len(pts) < Mfactor * M: # print(curM, len(pts), Mfactor * M, len(pts) < Mfactor * M) pts2, maxdist2 = get_pts() maxdist = max((maxdist, maxdist2)) pts = np.concatenate((pts, pts2)) curM += M if maxdist * (1. + padding) > curR: break if maxdist > 0.5: raise ValueError( 'Cage size filling entire space, cannot continue.') fracgood = len(pts) / curM # r = fracgood**(1./3.) * curR V = fracgood * 4 * np.pi / 3 * (curR**3) psets.append(pts) Vs.append(V) return psets**self.L, np.array(Vs) * (self.L**self.ndim)
[docs] def scene(pack, cmap=None, rot=0, camera_height=0.7, camera_dist=1.5, angle=None, lightstrength=1.1, orthographic=False, pad=None, floater_color=(.6, .6, .6), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), box_color=(.5, .5, .5), group_indexes=None, clip=False): """ Render a 3D scene. Requires `vapory` package, which requires the `povray` binary. Parameters ---------- cmap : a colormap box_color : Color to draw the box. 'None' => don't draw box. floater_color : Color for floaters. 'None' => same color as non-floaters (use cmap). group_indexes : a list of indexes for each "group" that should remain together on the same side of the box. clip : clip the spheres at the edge of the box. Returns ------- scene : vapory.Scene, which can be rendered using its `.render()` method. """ import vapory import numpy as np try: import matplotlib as mpl import as mcm vmin, vmax = min(pack.diameters), max(pack.diameters) sm = mcm.ScalarMappable( norm=mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin, vmax), cmap=cmap) cols = [sm.to_rgba(s) for s in pack.diameters] except ImportError: if not isinstance(cmap, list): raise ValueError( "matplotlib could not be imported, and cmap not recognizeable as a list") cols = list(cmap) except TypeError: if not isinstance(cmap, list): raise ValueError("matplotlib could not convert cmap to a colormap," + " and cmap not recognizeable as a list") cols = list(cmap) if floater_color is not None: ix, _ = pack.backbone() ns, = np.nonzero(~ix) for n in ns: cols[n] = floater_color mod_add = .5 if not clip else 0. rs = np.remainder( + mod_add, 1) - mod_add if group_indexes is not None: for ix in group_indexes: xs =[ix, :] com = np.mean(xs, axis=0) comdiff = (np.remainder(com + mod_add, 1) - mod_add) - com rs[ix, :] = xs + comdiff if clip: spheres = [] cube = vapory.Box((-.5, -.5, -.5), (.5, .5, .5)) dxs = [-1., 0.] drs = np.array([(dx, dy, dz) for dx in dxs for dy in dxs for dz in dxs]) maxr = 0 for xyz, s, col in zip(rs, pack.diameters, cols): for dr in drs: r = dr + xyz if np.any(abs(r) - s / 2. > .5): # not in the box continue sphere = vapory.Sphere(r, s / 2.) cutsphere = vapory.Intersection( cube, sphere, vapory.Texture(vapory.Pigment('color', col[:3])) ) spheres.append(cutsphere) if np.amax(r) > maxr: maxr = np.amax(r) else: spheres = [ vapory.Sphere( xyz, s / 2., vapory.Texture(vapory.Pigment('color', col[:3]))) for xyz, s, col in zip(rs, pack.diameters, cols) ] maxr = np.amax(np.amax(np.abs(rs), axis=1) + pack.diameters / 2.) extent = (-.5, .5) corners = [np.array((x, y, z)) for x in extent for y in extent for z in extent] pairs = [(c1, c2) for c1 in corners for c2 in corners if np.allclose(np.sum((c1 - c2)**2), 1) and sum(c1 - c2) > 0] radius = 0.01 cyls, caps = [], [] if box_color is not None: col = vapory.Texture(vapory.Pigment('color', box_color)) cyls = [vapory.Cylinder(c1, c2, 0.01, col) for c1, c2 in pairs] caps = [vapory.Sphere(c, radius, col) for c in corners] light_locs = [ [8., 5., -3.], [-6., 6., -5.], [-6., -7., -4.], [10., -5., 7.] ] rotlocs = [[x * np.cos(rot) - z * np.sin(rot), y, z * np.cos(rot) + x * np.sin(rot)] for x, y, z in light_locs] lights = [ # vapory.LightSource( [2,3,5], 'color', [1,1,1] ), vapory.LightSource(loc, 'color', [lightstrength] * 3) for loc in rotlocs ] cloc = [np.cos(rot) * camera_dist, camera_dist * camera_height, np.sin(rot) * camera_dist] # mag = sqrt(sum([d**2 for d in cloc])) # direction = [-v*2/mag for v in cloc] if angle is None: if pad is None: pad = max(pack.diameters) w = sqrt(2) * maxr + pad angle = float(np.arctan2(w, 2 * camera_dist)) * 2 * 180 / np.pi camera = vapory.Camera( 'location', cloc, 'look_at', [0, 0, 0], 'angle', angle) # vapory.Camera('orthographic', 'location', cloc, 'direction', # direction, 'up', [0,2,0], 'right', [2,0,0]) return vapory.Scene(camera, objects=(lights + spheres + cyls + caps + [vapory.Background("color", bgcolor)]))
[docs] def plot_disks(self, ax=None, color=None, alpha=0.4, reshape=True): """ Plot the packing as a set of disks. Color can be None (uses the standard sets), 'diameter' (colors by diameter), or a list of colors. 'reshape' means set axis scaled, etc. """ import matplotlib as mpl from itertools import cycle import numpy as np if color == 'diameter': dset = sorted(set(self.diameters)) cold = dict(zip(dset, cycle([d['color'] for d in mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']]))) color = [cold[d] for d in self.diameters] if not np.iterable(color): color = cycle((color,)) if ax is None: ax = mpl.pyplot.gca() # rs = np.remainder(, 1)-.5 L = self.L dloc = (0, 1) circs = [] for (x0, y0), d, c in zip(, self.diameters, color): for x, y in [np.array((x0 + dx, y0 + dy)) for dx in dloc for dy in dloc]: if (x + d > 0 and x - d < 1 and y + d > 0 and y - d < 1): circ = mpl.patches.Circle((x * L, y * L), d * L / 2, axes=ax, ec='none', fc=c, alpha=alpha) ax.add_patch(circ) circs.append(circ) if reshape: ax.axis([0, L, 0, L]) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xticks([], []) ax.set_yticks([], []) return circs
[docs] def plot_contacts(self, ax=None, tol=0, reshape=True, **kw): """Designed for use with plot_disks, this will plot a line between neighboring particles.""" import matplotlib as mpl import numpy as np if ax is None: ax = mpl.pyplot.gca() kw.setdefault('color', 'k') kw.setdefault('alpha', 0.4) adj, diffs = self.neighbors(tol=tol) for i, (adjrow, drow) in enumerate(zip(adj, diffs.T)): for j, (a, d) in enumerate(zip(adjrow, drow)): if not a: continue ri = np.remainder([i], 1) x, y = ri rid = ri + d if i < j and max(abs(rid * 2 - 1)) < 1: # if we're going to get to (j,i) later # and both points are in the box, skip it this time continue x2, y2 = rid x, y = ri * self.L x2, y2 = rid * self.L ax.plot([x, x2], [y, y2], **kw) if reshape: ax.axis([0, self.L, 0, self.L]) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xticks([], []) ax.set_yticks([], [])
[docs] def DM(self, masses=None): """Dynamical matrix for array rs, size ds. Assumes epsilon is the same for all. Parameters ---------- masses : an array of length N of the masses of the particles. """ N = len(self.diameters) rs = d = self.ndim M = np.zeros((d * N, d * N)) for i in range(N): sigi = self.diameters[i] for j in range(i): rijvec = rs[i, :] - rs[j, :] rijvec = rijvec - np.around(rijvec) rijsq = np.sum(rijvec**2) dij = (sigi + self.diameters[j]) / 2 dijsq = dij**2 if rijsq < dijsq: rij = np.sqrt(rijsq) rijouter = np.outer(rijvec, rijvec) # U(r) = ½(1 - r/d)² # d²U/dxdy = (dr/dx)(dr/dy)/d² - (1 - r/d)(d²r/dxdy)/d # dr/dx = x/r # d²r/dxdy = -(x y) / r³ # d²U/dxdy = -(x y)/(r² d²) + (1 - r/d)((x y)/r²)/(d r) # d²U/dx² = (dr/dx)²/d² - (1 - r/d)(d²r/dx²)/d # d²r/dx² = -x² / r³ + 1/r # d²U/dxᵢdxⱼ = -(xᵢ xⱼ)/(r² d²) + (1 - r/d)((xᵢ xⱼ)/r² - # δᵢⱼ)/(d r) Mij1 = -rijouter / rijsq / dijsq Mij2 = (1 - rij / dij) * \ (rijouter / rijsq - np.eye(d)) / rij / dij Mij = Mij1 + Mij2 M[d * i:d * i + d, d * j:d * j + d] = Mij M[d * j:d * j + d, d * i:d * i + d] = Mij M[d * i:d * i + d, d * i:d * i + d] -= Mij M[d * j:d * j + d, d * j:d * j + d] -= Mij np.divide(M, self.L**2, out=M) if masses is None: return M # TODO: is the mass part of this really part of this? marr = np.array(masses) assert np.shape(masses) == np.shape(self.diameters) marr = np.array([masses] * d) marr = marr.T.flatten() # marr is now [m1,m1,m2,m2,...] (in 2D) mm = np.eye(d * N) np.multiply(mm, marr**-.5, out=mm) # mm is now M^-½, where M is the mass matrix, out=M), out=M) return M
[docs] def DM_freqs(self, masses=None): """Find the frequencies corresponding to the eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix. This is just a short wrapper around DM().""" ew, ev = np.linalg.eig(self.DM(masses=masses)) # this used to be over 2pi; I don't know where the 2 went, but it seems # to be gone now... return np.sqrt(np.abs(ew)) / (np.pi)
[docs] def forces(self): """Find Fij on each particle, assuming a harmonic potential, U = 1/2 (1 - r/σ)^2 Returns a dxNxN matrix.""" adj, diffs = self.neighbors(tol=0) dists = np.sqrt(np.sum(diffs**2, axis=0)) sigij = np.add.outer(self.diameters, self.diameters) / 2. # adj2 = np.triu(adj, k=1) # overlaps = (sigij - dists)[adj2] dr = (1 - dists / sigij) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): Fmags = dr / sigij / dists Fmags[~adj] = 0 Fmags[np.diag_indices_from(Fmags)] = 0 return diffs * Fmags / self.L
[docs] def tess(self): """Get a `tess.Container` instance of this. Requires `tess`. """ import tess return tess.Container( * self.L % self.L, limits=self.L, radii=self.diameters * self.L / 2., periodic=True)